Learning GNU/Linux : how long?


When they enter the high school, in the best case, our students have passed their BII (Brevet Informatique et Internet, an elementary certificate about information technology), which certifies they are familiar with computers and with the web. If so, they have most of the time learned in another system than GNU/Linux. May we fear the transition?

This worry vanishes after a few minutes. Since Freeduc-CD has been distributed to all the students of lycée Jean Bart, whenever the common room which can welcome the students between two courses is open, you can see the six computers « self-service » occupied by the same number of students. As a signicative fact, you can see as much girls as guys using these machines. Before Freeduc-CD had been distributed, before students sat fifteen minutes in front of computers and were told precise instructions, these machines (thin clients working with GNU/Linux) were mistrusted and misused.

Conclusion: to learn the environment of Freeduc-CD, a random student needs an explanation during fifteen minutes. Without this fifty minutes explanation, she cannot.